Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Network (formerly AIDH: Nursing and Midwifery) is an amalgamation of the Health Informatics Society of Australia and the Australasian COllege of Health Informatics. It is the pre-eminent nursing informatics organisation in Australia. The change in focus to primary healthcare, telehealth, digital smart homes and ageing are all changing how nurses practice. Nurses must have input and control over how nursing will be in the future. Information and its related technology are across all facets of health care, with nurses being the largest number of clinicians gathering and using this information.
AIDH: Nursing and Midwifery represents nurses on a number of national and internations organisation's, inclusing National eHealth Transition Authority (NeHTA), Standards Australia, Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA) and the International Medical Informatics Association - Nursing Informatics (IMIA NI) providing expertise in nursing and informatics.
AIDH: Nursing and Midwifery has over 600 members in all states and territories.
Louise Schaper, CEO
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