
The Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC), which supersedes the Australian Infection Control Association, has been created in response to growing global recognition of the importance of effective infection prevention, and the potential for significant improvement in the implementation of standards across Australasia.

The College draws together the various State and Territory infection control associations formerly in AICA and expands this to include members from New Zealand, the Pacific Region and South East Asia. The purpose is to provide a "peak body speaking with one voice". College members practice in a wide variety of professional settings including public and private hospitals, residential care facilities, ambulatory care centres, office-based practices, community care, education, industry, rural and remote locations and private consulting practice.

The Vision of the College is to be the peak body and voice for infection prevention and control professions focussed on providing leadership and promoting education and evidence based practice outcomes for a healthy community. Four standing committees have been established to support a range of areas related to practice in infection prevention and control; Policy and Publication; Education and Research; Credentialling and Professional Standards Committee and Special Interest Advisory.

The college also aims to provide professionals working in this field peer support, networking opportunities and the chance to showcase their work across the region through the Special Interest Groups, including an annual national conference, and an online discussion forum.

ACIPC has over 1000 members nationalyl in all states and territories.


Marilyn Cruickshank, President

Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control
GPO Box 3254,
Brisbane  QLD  4001
Tel: 07 3211 4695
Fax: 07 3211 4900
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
