australian-college-of-operating-room-nursesAustralian College of Perioperative Nurses exists for the purpose of contributing towards the highest standards of patient care and professional competence in the operative suite. We represent nurses in perioperative settings, those with an interest in perioperative nursing and those promoting best patient outcomes for people having surgery.
ACORN is the peak national perioperative nursing organisation with around 4000 members, including international members.

ACORN's Vision ~ is to develop the SPIRIT of perioperative nursing in Australia by: Standards utilising evidence based practice; Professional growth and development; Innovation to achieve best patient care outcomes; Representation of all States and Territories; Influential in health policy; teamwork development locally, nationally and internationally.

ACORN Values ~  reflect the organisation's commitment to: excellence in perioperative nursing; operating in a professional and business-like manner maintaining ethical behaviour; encouraging partners in industry and welcoming the opportunity to work with others including university, public and private organisations, health organisations in delivering service to patients; assisting perioperative nurses to develop their potential.

ACORN's Objectives ~ are to cultivate and maintain the highest principles of perioperative nursing by: disseminating information to members on issues of significance; providing and facilitating professional development; identifying and examining issues and relevant problems; advising Commonwealth and State Governments and other authorities on perioperative nursing and related health issues; acting as a resource at National and State levels by fulfilling an advisory role and providing a consultative service; initiating research to seek solutions to those issues and problems; taking action on problems and issues of significance, and promoting growth in the organisation.


PO Box 899
Lyndoch  SA  5351
Tel: 1300 781 924

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